Showing posts with label invitations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label invitations. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2010

And They're Off: 75 Days to Go

Aside from a few addresses we have yet to collect, the invitations are in the capable hands of the United States Postal Service.  Which means this is probably the last blog we'll be writing about invitations.

But don't worry because now our world will become about responses, and RSVP's and who's eating what and sitting with whom.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cooperation Makes it Happen: 78 Days to Go

How thankful are we to our parents, Vin & Jodie, Jen & Nathan and Peter & Olivia for coming over today to help us assemble wedding invitations?  The task was daunting and would have taken just the two of us days.  With everyone together it took us about four hours.

Everyone gave their time and effort to cut and paste and assemble and all for us.  We feel very loved and could not be more appreciative of them.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Always Wanted to be a Writer: 79 Days to Go

"Proper etiquette for wedding invitation envelopes is to hand write them," is what someone on some website somewhere wrote quickly and conveniently using their computer.

Tomorrow we'll be having people over to assist us in writing outer envelopes, inner envelopes, pasting, stamping, and otherwise assembling all of our invitations.  What we're doing tonight is really only very tenuously related to the big party that is our Wedding.  We're preparing for the preparing of the inviting of people to the big party.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In 44 Cent Increments: 81 Days to Go

Wedding Invitations rule our life.  Today it's time to spend a small fortune on postage.  If Erica hadn't pulled the invitations out of the way after I spilled all my wine on the table we wouldn't even have to worry about all this.  I'm just trying to help.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pigpenmanship: 82 Days to Go

Okay, handwriting... don't fail me now!

Instead of going to bed early tonight like we promised ourselves we would, we stayed up late obsessing over our penmanship.  Those wedding invitations aren't going to address themselves (that would have been an extra buck per envelope), so we better just suck it up and get to it... tomorrow.

Oh, and the verdict is in!  We weighed an invite at the USPS and officially know we won't have to sell blood just to buy stamps.  A bit of advice to anyone getting married in the future, though, postcards are awesome.    

Friday, July 30, 2010

They're Heeeeeere: 85 Days to Go

The invitations have arrived! The invitations have arrived!  We were very excited to come home to a delivery today.  Our invitations have arrived and we do love them.  But with all things in this process, that means more work must commence.  Invite assembly, envelope stamping, stuffing and fancy penmanship skills must now be applied.  More hard work to follow. 

For each wedding task accomplished, three more take its place.  And these are the things about which we are genuinely excited.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Hip to be Square: 87 Days to Go

The invitations shipped today.  We want to get them out by the middle of August, so get ready to hear all sorts of exciting tales of double-sided tape and misaddressed labels!

Unfortunately, I just found out that it apparently costs more to ship square invites than rectangular, regardless of weight.  Yay, mounting costs!      


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Detail work

There are many details involved in planning a wedding. Oh sure... a lot of it is great fun. You get to look at pictures and go to tastings and feel nice papers and such, but the real pain in the ass is that each of the details spawns its own little set of details, which can send a couple into a head-spinning spiral of decision making. Case in point: the invitation.

Rob and I recently ordered some samples from The Green Kangaroo, and fell pretty instantly in love with them. "Let's get these!" we proclaimed, grinning at each other full of love and awed that we're really going to be able to pull this wedding thing together. This is good, I suppose, to have this one little detail put together... but, wait a second... is it really together?

Well, there's the reply cards to consider... should we go with postcard style, or traditional? Should we have the envelopes printed with raised ink, or colored ink... or raised color ink? That's going to be extra, huh? What about calligraphy? Is our handwriting legible enough to write all these out by hand? Will it still be legible after 10 or so envelopes? Oh, that's right.. we have three colors for the wedding, how can we include them all with 2 color invites? Should we include a map/reception card or just print out something on nice paper? Is that gauche? Are we gauche? Is this how you spell gauche?

And who the hell are we going to invite, anyway... and how should we address them? One book says the woman's name always comes first and another says that a cohabiting couple is listed alphabetically... what the crap? Wait a minute, shit... do our thank you cards have to match, too? For that matter, do we have to use phrases like "request the honour of your presence"? Is that how you spell honour? Is that gauche?

But I suppose I'm happy. Happy that we have at least something done, whether or not we seem to opening Pandora's Box.

...what the fuck, now we have to choose a font, too?